CT scan also known as computed tomography scan and formerly known as a computerized axial tomography scan or CAT scan, makes use of computer- processed combinations of many X RAY measurements taken to create images of the body. CT scan can be used to visualize nearly all parts of the body and is used to diagnose disease or injury as well as to plan Medical, Surgical or Radiation treatment. CT Scanning is painless, noninvasive and accurate.
The CT scanner includes a table you will lie on and a dough nut shaped ring. You will lie still on the table The technologist will give you instructions during the test.
Some people must have a contrast medicine to be injected into the vein in their arms for the CT scans to make it easier for certain parts and functions to show up better on the images which helps in diagnosis and treatment .
Once the contrast medicine is inside your body, you feel a short burning sensation, the taste of metal, and a warm feeling through your entire body. It lasts only a few seconds.
Some people are allergic to the contrast medicine. Contrast is always injected after a test dose Tell your doctor if you know you are allergic to any medicines or if you feel nausea , itching or experiencing any breathing difficulty during the test.
A CT of the brain is a noninvasive diagnostic imaging procedure that uses special X-rays measurements to produce axial images (often called slices) of the brain. Latest Multidetector CT scans enable imaging in any planes , sagittal . coronal etc . CT scanning of the head and brain may be used look for tumors, hemorrhage, stroke, bone trauma, blood flow obstruction etc. It is a common test used for a serious head injury, stubborn headaches, physical birth defects of the brain and skull, brain disease cancerous and non cancerous growths, infection, fluid collections, bleeding and stroke. A person who has a stroke has better chance of recovery and survival when examined and treated early.
3hours fasting and renal function blood test if contrast required.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
Computerized Tomography (CT) Scan of the PNS is an imaging test of Sinuses which uses special X-Rays to bring out in depth image of air filled spaces within the bones of the face, surrounding the nasal cavity Multiplanar images of sinuses and nasal cavities are inevitable for the treatment of various diseases like sinusitis , cancerous and non cancerous growths and in trauma
3hours fasting and renal function blood test if contrast required.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
CT scan of Sella is mainly done to image Pituitary gland . Multiplanar imaging with MDCT and dynamic Contrast Enhanced CT (CECT) done to evaluate various disease conditions .
3hours fasting and renal function blood test if contrast required.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
A computed tomography (CT) scan of the orbit is an imaging method. It uses x-rays to create detailed pictures of the eye sockets (orbits), eyes and surrounding bones. It is used in trauma , for diagnosis and treatment of cancerous and noncancerous growths , infections etc
3hours fasting and renal function blood test if contrast required.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
CT scan of temporal bones is a special CT protocol which is used to diagnose problems of hearing , infections , cancerous and non cancerous growths involving the middle ears and mastoids , congenital defects of the structures of hearing etc. Advanced MDCT used for cochlear imaging for cochlear implantation and planning etc
3hours fasting and renal function blood test if contrast required.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
Dental CT is a special type of CT scan used when regular dental or facial x-rays are not sufficient. Your doctor may use this technology to produce three dimensional (3-D) images of your teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways and bone.
For details, contact information desk.
CT scan of neck is used to image the problems of structures of neck . Neck has a number of important structures like salivary glands , aerodigestive tract , lymphatic channels , major vessels supplying and draining brain , muscles supporting the movements of head , Spine that pivots the head etc . Diseases and trauma of these structures to be evaluated with utmost care for the well being of the individual . MDCT is use to get multiplanar images and 3D reformations for the diagnosis of ailments
3hours fasting and renal function blood test if contrast required.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
CT Scan chest is cross sections or slices of the thoracic structures in your body. The thoracic structures include your lungs, pleura, mediastinum with heart and major vessels , the bony cage and the muscles
3hours fasting and renal function blood test if contrast required.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
The CT scanner includes a table you will lie on and a dough nut shaped ring. You will lie still on the table The technologist will give you instructions during the test. You will be asked to raise your arms above your head sometimes, you will also be asked to hold your breath for 10/12 seconds. While you hold your breath the table will move through the ring while pictures are taken. The picture will be taken before, during and after the contrast media is injected into the IV.
High Resolution Computed Tomography is a type of Computed Tomography with specific techniques to enhance image resolution. It is used in the diagnose of various health problems, though most commonly for interstitial lung diseases like occupations lung disease , asthma, by assessing the lung parenchyma and pleura
An abdominal CT scan is used to image diseases of the Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, Bladder, Stomach, Intestines ,Pancreas and Adrenal gland. It is also used to look at blood vessels and lymph nodes in the abdomen. A doctor may order a CT scan to find the cause of abdominal pain, to diagnose an illness or evaluate the effects of a traumatic injury. Abdominal CT can detect infections , cancerous and non cancerous growths, fluid collections, birth defects , injuries etc
To remove all clothing and accessories and change into a hospital gown because buttons, Zippers, claps or jewellery might interfere with the image.
Other than emergency cases overnight fasting is mandatory for abdomen CT scan to make sure that the stomach is empty. Bowel preparation medication is advisable for patients with clinically suspecting bowel problems . Fasting is required if to receive a contrast solution, which highlights certain parts of the body so doctors can see more detail in specific areas of the CT Scan.
A blood test S.creatinine may be done before the CT scan to check that your kidneys are functioning properly.
Bring all reports along with the patients.( eg. Discharge summary, blood reports, old scanning reports etc)
Total procedure times vary from 30 minutes to 1 ½ hrs depending on the type of scan including the time to administer oral and enema contrast if required . Actual scan will be over in minutes The time depends on the protocol and the actual exposure time to radiation is much less.
The CT scanner includes a table you will lie on and a dough nut shaped ring. You will lie still on the table The technologist will give you instructions during the test. You will be asked to raise your arms above your head sometimes, you will also be asked to hold your breath for 10/12 seconds. While you hold your breath the table will move through the ring while pictures are taken. The picture will be taken before, during and after the contrast media is injected into the IV.
If oral contrast solution is required depending on the protocol used according to your disease you may be asked to drink a flavored fluid over a period of one hour drinking a glass each every 10 minutes . Some times you require an enema contrast also which may be given on the CT table just before the scan. Some times it is necessary to administer IV contrast through an Intravenous line (IV) that will be placed in hand/arm. Placing the IV will feel like a quick pinprick but the solution is painless as it goes into the vein. Contrast solutions are used to visualize and study certain structures and abnormalities better so that the Radiologist can make a diagnosis of your illness
CT Scan of the Pelvis alone is mainly used to evaluate the bony structures and hip joints especially in trauma and bony pathology which includes a 3 D imaging . Other structures of pelvis like bladder, uterus and ovaries, prostate and bowels are usually imaged along with abdomen CT . This procedure is typically used to help diagnose the cause of abdominal and pelvic pain.
No perpeartion required for Pelvic and HIP bone & Joint #D imaging
Minimum 3 hours fasting and preparation as per abdomen CT required if triple contrast study is required
CT enterography is a special imaging test that uses CT imaging with a negative contrast material to view the small intestine and studied using multiplanar imaging
For details contact information desk.
Virtual bronchoscopy (VB) is a novel computed tomography (CT)-based imaging technique that allows a noninvasive intraluminal evaluation of the tracheobronchial tree.
For details contact information desk.
Computed tomography (CT) colonography or virtual colonoscopy uses special x-ray equipment to examine the large intestine for cancer and growths called polyps. During the exam, a small tube is inserted a short distance into the rectum to allow for inflation with gas while CT images of the colon and the rectum are taken.
For details contact information desk.
Virtual Cystoscopy is used to evaluate the problems of the Urinary bladder. Contrast will be introduced in to the your Bladder either directly or by intravenous route . Using special Software virtual camera used to visualize the cavity of the Bladder its inlets and outlets . Small cancerous and non cancerous growths , diverticuale etc can be better diagnosed with this technique . Dr Gigo Karimottom George etal; 2006: published this procedure in the American Journal of Urology
For details contact information desk.
A Computerized Tomography (CT) Urogram is an imaging exam used to evaluate urinary tract, including Kidneys, Bladder and Ureters, that carry urine from kidney to bladder. During CT Urogram Dye is injected through IV line using special protocol. CT Urogram is used to evaluate Kidney stone disease , cancerous and non cancerous growths , Urinary infections etc
3hours fasting and renal function blood test if contrast required. Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
For details contact information desk.
Computed tomography (CT) of the spine is a diagnostic imaging test used to diagnose disease of the Spine . With MDCT 3D and Multiplanar imaging possible CT scanning of Spine is fast, painless, noninvasive and accurate.
3hours fasting and renal function blood test if contrast required. For details contact information desk.
A CT of the Extremities is a noninvasive medical scan that uses special equipment to obtain multiple images of the upper and lower extremities (shoulder , elbow , wrist , hand , hip, knee, ankle, & foot). These 3 D CT images are far more detailed than those obtained from conventional x-rays.
3hours fasting and renal function blood test if contrast required.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
For details contact information desk.
3D Computed Tomography (CT) is a noninvasive scanning technology that allows you to view and inspect the external and internal structures of an object in 3D space. ... Proprietary algorithms are then used to reconstruct the 2D projections into a 3D CT volume, which will allow you to view and slice the part at any angle.
for details contact information desk.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
A CT Angiogram is a test that uses special CT imaging techniques to provide detailed pictures of the blood vessels that go to the heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, head, neck, legs and arms. A CT Angiogram can show narrowed or blocked areas of a blood vessel. Its main advantage is that it requires only an IV injection unlike Catheter angiography were a tube has to introduced through your blood vessels. IV injection will be given by a robotic hand pressure injector . It can be done in OPD , takes only a few minutes and you can go home after a limited period of observation
4 hours fasting and renal function blood test required.
For details contact information desk
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
Cerebral angiography is a form of angiography which provides images of blood vessels in and around the brain, thereby allowing detection of abnormalities such as arteriovenous malformations and aneurysms.
for details contact information desk.
CT pulmonary angiogram (CTPA) is a medical diagnostic test that employs computed tomography(CT) angiography to obtain an image of the pulmonary arteries. Its main use is to diagnose pulmonaryembolism (PE).
It is an emergency scan , for details contact information desk.
A CT Aortic angiography is a test that uses special CT imaging techniques to provide detailed pictures of the Aorta and its branches. 3 D images are obtained from the volume scanning. IV contrast injection is required . IV injection will be given by a robotic hand pressure injector . It can be done in OPD , takes only a few minutes and you can go home after a limited period of observation
CT Aortography is done to evaluate the banalities of aorta like atherosclerotic narrowing , aneurysms, cancerous infiltrations etc
4 hours fasting and renal function blood test required.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
for details contact information desk.
A renal angiogram is an imaging test to look at the blood vessels in your kidneys. Your healthcare provider can use it to look at the ballooning of a blood vessel (aneurysm), narrowing of a blood vessel (stenosis), or blockages in a blood vessel. He or she can also see how well blood is flowing to your kidneys. CT Renal Angiography is done using a special CT technique with an IV injection of contrast Image reconstruction is done in 3D and MIP to better visualize the blood vessels to the kidneys . CT Renal Angiography is done for donor screening , disease like renal artery stenosis , aneurysms etc
IV injection will be given by a robotic hand pressure injector . It can be done in OPD , takes only a few minutes and you can go home after a limited period of observation
4 hours fasting and renal function blood test required.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
for details contact information desk.
A carotid angiogram is a test to look at the large blood vessels in your neck that carry blood to your brain. These are called carotid arteries. CT Carotid Angiography is done using a special CT technique with an IV injection of contrast medicine . Image reconstruction is done in 3D and MIP to better visualize the Carotid and Vertebral arteries . CT Carotid –Vertebral Angiography is done in evaluation of stroke , narrowing of the blood vessels , aneurysms and tumor infiltrations. It is also used to diagnose emergency situations like carotid dissection
IV injection will be given by a robotic hand pressure injector . It can be done in OPD , takes only a few minutes and you can go home after a limited period of observation
4 hours fasting and renal function blood test required.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
for details contact information desk.
A CT peripheral angiogram is a test that uses special CT technique to help your doctor find narrowed or blocked areas in one or more of the arteries that supply blood to your legs. The test is also called a peripheral arteriogram and is mainly used evaluate peripheral occlusive vascular disease . Its is mainly used to diagnose block in the blood vessels in patients with claudication pain , that is when you get muscle pain while walking or exercising
IV injection will be given by a robotic hand pressure injector . It can be done in OPD , takes only a few minutes and you can go home after a limited period of observation
4 hours fasting and renal function blood test required.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
for details contact information desk.
Computed tomography (CT)-guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is regarded as a rapid, safe, and accurate diagnostic tool in examining the cancerous and non cancerous growths of different parts of the body for the last three decades.
for details contact information desk.
Guided Tru-cut biopsy is a simple procedure, relatively safe, rapid, reliable technique for the diagnosis of cancerous and non cancerous growths of different parts of the body
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
for details contact information desk.
A Vertebral biopsy is a test in which a small sample of bone is removed from the vertebral body and examined under a microscope for cancer, infection, or other bone disorders. The procedure is done with the patient lying on his or her abdomen. Special scanning technique and expertise required for the procedure A numbing medication (local anesthetic) is used to prevent pain during this procedure.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
for details contact information desk.
A bone biopsy is an image-guided procedure in which a small sample of a bone is removed from the body and examined under a microscope. The procedure is often called a closed or needle bone biopsy, because it involves inserting a needle directly into the bone.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
for details contact information desk.