Doppler ultrasonography also called color Doppler USG is a special ultrasound technique that allows the doctor to see and evaluate blood flow through the arteries and veins in the abdomen, arms, legs, neck. Doppler USG in pregnancy used to evaluate, blood flow in the umbilical cord, fetus or placenta.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
Duplex imaging of the upper extremity vein is performed to assess the deep and superficial venous system of the upper extremity ( neck to distal forearm level) to determine the presence or absence of deep or superficial vein thrombosis.
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Varicose veins are dilated tortuous superficially located venous channels that accompany the superficial vein of the upper or lower limbs. Varicose veins are more common in women than men and more common in the Lower limb than Upper limb. Mainly in pregnancy ,older age, female gender, prolonged standing. Imaging is necessary for the treatment / surgery planning
4 hours fasting ideal . Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning. Walking exercise just before procedure to increase circulation to get more clear Doppler signals.
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An arterial Doppler is an ultrasound exam of the arteries located in your arms or legs. Doppler imaging can help the radiologist see and evaluate arterial blockages, such as plaque in arteries , aneurysms etc .
Its is mainly used to diagnose block in the blood vessels in patients with claudication pain , that is when you get muscle pain while walking or exercising . It is the most common cause of leg pain in smokers and Diabetic patients.
4hours fasting required. Prior appointment mandatory. Appointments for Doppler scans will be given in the after noon session. It is a time consuming procedure. The procedure may take 30 minutes to one hour.
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A carotid Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to examine the carotid arteries located in the neck. This test can show narrowing or possible blockages due to plaque buildup in the arteries due to atherosclerosis
4hours fasting ideal . Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning
A renal artery duplex is an ultrasound test that uses high frequency sound waves to examine the renal arteries , detect narrowing and measures the blood flow. The renal arteries deliver blood to the kidneys. This test is mainly done in the evaluation of hypertension and medical renal diseases
Bowel preparation and over night fasting. Breathing exercise. Minimum 15 sec breath hold necessary for performing Doppler.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning
Minimum 2 days preparation mandatory , for details contact information desk
Doppler ultrasound uses sound waves to detect the movement of blood in vessels. It is used in pregnancy to study blood circulation in the baby, uterus and placenta .
For details contact information desk .
Color Doppler ultrasonography (US) is an increasingly important tool in the evaluation of the scrotum, especially in acute scrotal disorders. With this modality, arterial flow is readily detected in the normal spermatic cord and testis but is not seen in the epididymis; venous flow is not seen anywhere in the normal scrotum.
Color Doppler sonography of the hepatic artery and portal venous system. Color Doppler sonography is an important noninvasive diagnostic tool for detecting abnormalities of the hepatic vasculature in patients with diffuse liver disease.
Minimum 1 day preparation. Overnight fasting and bowel preparation mandatory. For details contact information desk