The process of getting x-ray pictures of the esophagus or the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract (esophagus, stomach, and duodenum). The x-ray pictures are taken after the patient drinks a liquid that contains barium sulfate (a form of the silver-white metallic element barium). In certain conditions a water soluble iodinated contrast used for the study especially in post operative cases and pediatric patients . Dynamic fluoroscopic imaging helps the doctor to see the movement of contrast through your upper digestive tract to study the motility problems. This test is done to evaluate difficulty in swallowing , GERD ( Gastroesophageal reflux disorder) , cancerous and non cancerous growths , congenital abnormalities etc.
Over night fasting. If emergency 4hours fasting.
Pediatric: Nasogastric tube necessary ( insertion of tube through nose-painless) for instillation of contrast .
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning
A barium meal is a diagnostic test used to detect abnormalities of the esophagus, stomach and small bowel using X-ray imaging. The x-ray pictures are taken after the patient drinks a liquid that contains barium sulfate (a form of the silver-white metallic element barium). In certain conditions a water soluble iodinated contrast used for the study especially in post operative cases and pediatric patients . Dynamic fluoroscopic imaging helps the doctor to see the movement of contrast through your digestive tract to study the motility problems and any abnormal hold up or displacments This test is done to evaluate vomiting due to intestinal obstruction , cancerous and non cancerous growths , congenital abnormalities etc
Over night fasting. If emergency 4hours fasting.
Pediatric: Nasogastric tube necessary ( insertion of tube through nose-painless) for instillation of contrast .
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning
Barium follow through examinations are used to study the small intestine. A barium meal and follow through is an examination of your esophagus, stomach and small bowel. These parts of your body cannot normally be seen on x-ray images unless coated in a white liquid called barium contrast.
OOver night fasting. If emergency 4hours fasting
Pediatric: Nasogastric tube necessary ( insertion of tube through nose-painless) for instillation of contrast .
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning
A barium enema (lower GI series) is an X-ray procedure used to define the anatomy of large intestine (colon) and the rectum. A barium enema involves filling the colon and rectum with a white liquid material (barium) often followed by air (double-contrast barium enema).
This is done to evaluate irritable bowel , constipation , cancerous and non cancerous growths , congenital abnormalities etc. Some times special protocols used for diagnosis of certain diseases
Over night fasting. For details contact information desk.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning
An x-ray image made during voiding and with the bladder and urethra filled with contrast medium. Synonym(s): cystourethrogram, micturating cystourethrogram, voiding cystogram. Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG), also known as a micturating cystourethrography (MCU), is a fluoroscopic study of the lower urinary tract in which contrast is introduced into the bladder via a catheter under fluoroscopic guidance and images taken while voiding to study the aboirnalities of urinary bladder and urethra . Mainly used in recurrent urinary tract infections, medical and surgical renal diseases to look for bladder outlet obstruction , vesico ureteric reflux , cancerous and non cancerous growths , congenital abnormalities etc .
Appointment necessary. No preparation required . Oral or IV antibiotics mandatory. Tube inserted through urethra( painless). For pediatric patients, 2 bystanders who are familiar to the child , preferably parents , to hold and comfort the child during the procedure.
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning.
A retrograde urethrogram (RGU) also known as ascending urethrogram is a routine radiologic procedure (most typically in males) used to image the integrity of the urethra. Hence a retrograde urethrogram is essential for diagnosis of urethral injury, or urethral stricture.
Appointment mandatory. Antibiotics coverage suggested .
Bring all your medical records for review which help the doctors to correlate multiple medical parameters and to make a better diagnosis of your ailment and stage which is important for your treatment planning
An intravenous pyelogram, also called an intravenous Urogram, is a radiological procedure used to visualize abnormalities of the urinary system, including the kidneys, Ureters, and bladder. Unlike a kidneys, Ureters, and bladder x-ray, which is a plain radiograph, an IVP uses contrast to highlight the urinary tract. IVU assess the structural as well as functional abnormalities of the KUB
Over night fasting / nil orally on the day fixed for procedures. DO NOT DRINK WATER IN THE MORNING OF THE EXAMINATION DAY. At least one bystander should accompany the patient. Minimum 2 days bowel preparation required .
ysterosalpingography (HSG), also known as uterosalpingography, is a radiologic procedure to investigate the shape of the uterine cavity and the shape and patency of the fallopian tubes. It injects a radio-opaque material into the cervical canal under fluoroscopy with image intensification. It is usually done in infertility work up . HSG with nonionic iodinated water soluble contrast has diagnostic as well as therapeutic effects . While instillation of contrast it may release small adhesions and opens up the fallopian tubes
For details contact information desk.
A fistulogram is a test to evaluate recurrent perianal abscess . A canula may be inserted in to the sinus of the fistula and contrast injected under fluoroscopy and images obtained to study the track or any communication with the anal canal or rectum . This test is necessary for the surgeon to plan the treatment.
Appointment mandatory. For details contact information desk.
Sialography is the radiographic examination of the salivary glands. It usually involves the injection of a small amount of contrast medium into the salivary duct of a single gland, followed by routine X-ray projections. The resulting diagram is called a sialogram. It is used in recurrent sialadnitis to exclude obstruction of the ducts with stones, growths etc
Appointment mandatory. For details contact information desk.
The "sinusogram" is a test to evaluate the track of a discharging sinus which is required to plan the treatment. A canula may be inserted in to the sinus and contrast injected under fluoroscopy and images obtained to study the track or any communication with internal structures
Appointment mandatory. For details contact information desk.